Other Types of Links
There are lots of different kinds of links that you can create on a webpage. Following are some examples.
You can link directly to a photo or even make links out of photos. For example, the following image is linked to a flowers photo gallery page.
Note: I didn't include an actual page for gallery-flowers.html
, so the two previous links to it are merely examples. If you click on either the text link or the linked image, the browser will say it can't find the page.
Unrelated, you will notice that the paragraph text is separated by the image in an unattractive way at certain browser widths. Drag the bottom-right corner of your browser in and out to see what I mean. To avoid this, you could move the code for the linked image outside of the paragraph, placing it after the </p>
Other Assets
Listen to tickling of the ivories (MP3, 1.3 MB) or watch a paddle steamer (MP4, 2.4 MB). These link directly to the files (handy for downloading).
Email Addresses
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